If you’re running AMP for fast loading pages on the mobile web (and, if you’re not, you should give it a try, it’s awesome!), you maybe got a notification in Search Console (AKA Google Webmaster Tools) that “Image size smaller than recommended size” for some or all of your AMP content.
AMP is the Google-launched fully Open Source mobile page speed project and service which is an abbreviation of the phrase “Accelerated Mobile Pages”.
Capable of being served directly from Google, or other search engines, without ever hitting your server, AMP pages are very very light pages which load really fast on handheld devices like smart phones and small tablets, to facilitate a speedy mobile web, even over bad and slow connections.
A review of Codeable & More Codeable Reviews
I posted a really long review of Codeable over at Silicon Dales. It was so long, I’m publishing a post which links to it from here, just in case you missed it, and wanted to find out more about the WordPress outsourcing platform, Codeable.
If you’re also looking for codeable.io reviews, below I give a few of my personal experiences with the WordPress outsourcing platform.
Case Study: Related Product Swatches into a WooCommerce Fashion Store
The digital marketing agent, Vincent Mok, hired me to work on the product displays in a WooCommerce store, for a client.
Is Search Becoming Less Useful? The “Christmas Bath Toys” Example
One of the themes which is recurring a little for me in work life is the idea that organic search is changing a lot – and not necessarily for the better.
Mark Ronson – The Bike Song
Posting a video here in order to configure AMP for WordPress to work correctly with YouTube Embeds.
If you haven’t put AMP on your WordPress website yet, its certainly worth a look. Making your site load fast on mobile is important.
UK & European Equivalent to RobinHood Fee-Free Share Purchase & Trading App
Is there a UK equivalent to the Robinhood share trading app which allows fee-free share trading and buy & sell transactions?
Genuinely modern business banking from Revolut
A quick post to make a recommendation of a banking product for business which is not truly horrible.
A Twenty Seventeen Child Theme
A while back I wrote a thing about using the More tag in Twenty Seventeen theme, and because this site uses a (hastily put together) child theme of WordPress Twenty Seventeen theme, and I described that in a little detail, people started coming into this site looking for that.
Hey isn’t there a simple Twenty Seventeen child theme I can just download and get hacking away at? I wondered. There wasn’t. At least, I couldn’t see one.
So today, I released my own.
Gold Standard: Horse Racing on the Web
For those in the know, it’s Gold Cup week and the internet is a-flurry with coverage of the 2019 Cheltenham Festival meet where the cream of the horse racing world gather for top-class Group 1 racing.