I’m a WooCommerce developer, and I write a lot of stuff… but I realised I haven’t written a lot about the software itself, so here’s a longread for you… this will go deep, and get deeper over time, but if you’re interested in eCommerce, and specifically Woo, then this post will provide a good deal of context.
As the most popular eCommerce plugin on the most popular CMS on the web (WordPress), WooCommerce packs a serious punch when it comes to eCommerce software. According to many metrics, WooCommerce is the software used by the most (by numbers of installs) stores on the globe.
Robin Scott, the author of this website, via the business Silicon Dales, is one of a handful of officially accredited WooCommerce Experts (AKA WooExperts).
In this site, you may discover more about this world-leading software, or also hire Robin as a WooCommerce Developer or WooCommerce Consultant.
Welcome to my website
Welcome to my website. This is a first post, also known as a “hello world” blog post.
Magento 1.x to WooCommerce Migration
Looking to get a quote or estimate to migrate a Magento 1.x store over to WooCommerce in the next year or so?
Need help setting up WooCommerce Shipping rules?
A lot of my clients come to me looking for help with a range of WooCommerce problems, and one of the main things many don’t have so much concept of (before they get started with their stores) is shipping.
Outsource WordPress Maintenance
Before I get into this one, I’ll first define “WordPress Maintenance” and what I consider this to mean.
The Best, Correct, Right and Only ;) way to update WordPress or WooCommerce!
As you may or may not be able to glean from my facetious title – its got a 😉 in it for this reason – I don’t think there is an only, right, best or most correct way to do really anything… all developers and store managers will find their own path.
Develop WooCommerce? Install the latest release often!
This is a quick one, but its something I believe is important. Its a little note to self, and anyone else out there who works with WooCommerce as a developer – or wants to.