Russian Cyber Wars

It would appear that the US and UK are currently engaging some kind of a cyber war with Russia.

Or, I should say, the respective security agencies are doing this.

The network infrastructure in all three of these countries leaves a lot to be desired, so the citizens of each state could well question why their Governments are investing money in derailing this infrastructure, and to the benefit of whom, exactly?

In short, we don’t particularly need a cyber war to take out the crumbling internet infrastructure in Britain, Russia or the USA. Years of systematic and systemic failure to invest in the most obvious universally beneficial technical development in modern memory likely did plenty on its own, before a digital stone has even been thrown.

Digitally speaking, we all live in glass houses. Hurling rocks around appears to be a particularly bad idea.

Imagine if just a small percentage of the money being spent on ancient technologies – before we get into the budgets being piled into state sanctioned packet sniffing and lurking on other country’s networks – were put into providing fibre to the premises broadband to every household and business in each of the UK, USA and Russia.

Imagine the real, tangible, benefit this could have for every man, woman and child in each of these three countries.

Imagine the opportunities for trade this would open up to businesses in each of those three countries.

When the citizens and business owners of each country starts to do these maths, they may well question if their Governments are prioritising correctly.

Ordinary working people and business people alike may wonder if, instead of paying for cyber wars, perhaps their Governments might start providing more than simply basic network infrastructure in the first place.

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