This is entirely unsafe for work, but since I said some time ago that Giggs had the best Fire in the Booth, it would not make any sense not to post this one, which is arguably a more polished and better selection of bars in the 2017 reboot…
Robin Scott
The need for site speed
I just talked about binning Google Analytics, so it seems appropriate to show the speed impact that this action has had on this site.
Almost a year with no comments…
I’ve recently been thinking about turning a few things off.
In fact, I have recently actually begun turning things off. For example, Google Analytics.
Steve Blackmon had a “Quick look on your website”
So Steve Blackmon got in touch again today, this time from a new gmail address, this time he said:
New Mailgun pricing & subscription plans
How much did this little email subject line scare you?! Mailgun should have put in massive all caps bold type: DON’T WORRY! YOUR 10,000 FREE …
11 Years of WordPress-ing
Today is the 11th anniversary of my profile. Before I registered that profile, I had been using WordPress for a couple of years (I …
“No code” and client services: developer, be less rockstar
Kelsey Hightower made the following excellent statements on “no code” (in relation to a wider discussion about serverless and Kubernetes, here which I highly recommend giving a listen to):
Mark Ronson – The Bike Song
Posting a video here in order to configure AMP for WordPress to work correctly with YouTube Embeds.
If you haven’t put AMP on your WordPress website yet, its certainly worth a look. Making your site load fast on mobile is important.
Russian Cyber Wars
It would appear that the US and UK are currently engaging some kind of a cyber war with Russia.
Or, I should say, the respective security agencies are doing this.
Don’t Be This Guy…
I saw this Twitter thread today from Helen Hou-Sandi and thought, well, we should all try hard not to be this guy.