Answered first question on Stack Exchange in nearly 5 years!

I just posted an answer onto Stack Exchange for the first time in nearly 5 years… you can find my WordPress Stack Exchange profile here, and as you can see, its named for Silicon Dales…

I wonder if they ever got around to setting up any kind of “teams” functionality!?

Guess I could post a question onto SE.

About Robin Scott

I'm Robin Scott, a WordPress Consultant and WooCommerce expert developer who, along with three other people, runs a business called Silicon Dales Ltd remotely, from a base in the North of the UK. I enjoy using my talents for programming to track and interpret sporting, political or retail data - and therefore you'll see me posting some content in these spaces in this, my personal website. If you're interested to talk about leveraging this for your business (in sport, entertainment, retail, etc) please contact me.

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